How to Get NFTs on Godwoken (CKB) with Oblivion NFT Marketplace

Oblivion NFT Marketplace
4 min readNov 12, 2022

As the Oblivion Team continues to build during this bear market, we saw a need to compile resources and help Nervos Network users understand how to operate on the L2 godwoken using the Oblivion marketplace.

Why Is Godwoken Different

The need for this article is due to the difference between the Nervos’ base layer with $CKB and the fundamentally unique approach that Nervos has taken toward structuring their blockchain-along with innovation can sometimes come a challenge for users expecting a similar experience with other chains they are used to.

A Small History,

CKB was a layer1 asset around which Nervos’ blockchain was structured.

Before Godwoken, a barrier existed for EVM (ethereum virutal machine) compatibility, making feasibility on Nervos for dapps and builders on other chains challenging.

Tokens that were launched before godwoken, in order use this layer, need to be bridged to the godwoken layer. Godwoken has some resources about this here. Godwoken is considered a L2 rollup chain, making compatibility with EVM possible, reducing gas fees, congestion, etc. on the L1, and offering the security of the base layer with CKB.

With the advent of godwoken came true EVM compatibility, making it possible for dapps like to function on the chain.

Other EVM chains, such as BNBChain, Polygon, are also available on

Ok, How to Get NFTs on Godwoken

Unfortunately, for many original CKB holders with NFTs, we are not yet certain of a reliable NFT bridge where they can move their NFTs to the godwoken chain, but stay tuned, this chain is always building and developing.

In order to purchase/trade NFTs on oblivion, users first need to set up a godwoken compatible wallet, and then fund that wallet with CKB for gas fees. (Note: Gas Fees are executed on the network, and NOT a fee charged by the Oblivion platform).

The godwoken team has provided details for this on their documentation here.

It basically follows a few steps:

  1. Use a metamask wallet (other wallets are in development and growing, such as CKBull).

2. Fund the wallet for executing transactions on the chain with CKB.

3. And your off! Buy your first NFT, launch a collection, etc.

Using Oblivion for NFTs

The fun can now begin! As you interact with, please check out our documentation here, we are always keeping this up to date as new features roll out and it has helpful tips on how to navigate the platform.

Looking to Buy/List NFTs for sale?

  1. Connect your Metamask Wallet (make sure this is on the godwoken network and funded; see above)
  2. “Mint” or “List” your NFT with one button, and then confirm the details in your wallet.

3. Relax! You did it. It really is as simple as 1, 2, 3.

Want to Create a Collection or a New NFT?

This takes a few more steps, but once you have connected your wallet, simply navigate to the “create” page and with a few simple steps, you can list your NFT as a new release. You can see those steps explained here:

NFT Starport Documentation

The creation involves multiple steps, and doing one step does not assume the next. As an example, if you create an NFT, you STILL need to create a “release” to release that NFT into the public.

Why, you may ask must you confirm every step? Oblivion is passionate about letting users be in control of their whole experience and as a consequence, you have the option to make an NFT, keep it for yourself, sell it elsewhere, it’s all up to you.

However, if you’d like to create an NFT AND release it on our marketplace, you need to complete both steps.

Our Fundamental Approach

Oblivion has taken the position that a marketplace should be a service that puts creators, users, and builders first. This means we structure our marketplace with low fees, give maximum composability for builders, and try to make the user experience decentralized (we do not have access to funds, wallets, NFTs, listings, etc.) and intuitive.

We are always looking for great suggestions and want to build this in real time with the public’s help. If you have ideas please let us know!

